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To your success!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Loan Officer Training - Calls
Loan Officer Tip - Homeownership Obsession
Although the mortgage industry is an ever-changing and cyclical industry, the mortgage industry will always be in existence. The fact is, although the mortgage and financial sectors are constantly in flux, the desire for homeownership is constant; it is the American Dream! A broker's job is to make sure their client is receiving the best loan for their situation - and ensure this will not put them into a worse situation which could lead to foreclosure.
There's a saying that says, "If you do what you've always done, you are going to get what you have always gotten." This is usually a true statement. However, in today's new market, it is not. The truth is, if you do what you've always done, you are going to get less than you used to get. Changing times call for changing methods. How do we ensure a good close? Create intrinsic value for your client! Not only will you ensure a close, you'll create a client who will return in the future!
The Homeownership Obsession
From: Washington Post
July 30, 2008
The real lessons of the housing crisis have gotten lost. It's routinely portrayed as the financial system run amok; the housing market became a casino. The remedy, we're told, is to enact rules that prevent a repetition. All this is partly true. But it ignores a larger truth: Our infatuation with homeownership, embedded in dozens of government policies, has turned housing -- once a justifiable symbol of the American dream -- into something of a national nightmare.
As a society, we're overinvesting in real estate. We build too many McMansions. They use too much energy, and their carrying costs, including mortgage payments, absorb too much of Americans' incomes. We think everyone should become a homeowner, when many families can't or shouldn't. The result is to encourage lending to weak borrowers who are likely to default. The avid pursuit of a few more percentage points on the homeownership rate (it rose from 64 percent of households in 1994 to 69 percent in 2005) has condoned enormously damaging policies.
Does every house need a "home entertainment center"? Well, no. But when you subsidize something, you get more of it than you otherwise would. That's our housing policy. Let's count the conspicuous subsidies.
The biggest favor the upper middle class. Homeowners can deduct interest on mortgages of up to $1 million on their taxes; they can deduct local property taxes; profits (capital gains) from home sales are mostly shielded from taxes. In 2008, these tax breaks are worth about $145 billion. Next, government funnels cheap credit into housing through congressionally chartered Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Long perceived as being backed by the U.S. Treasury, Fannie and Freddie could borrow at preferential rates; they now hold or guarantee $5.2 trillion worth of mortgages, two-fifths of the national total. Finally, the Federal Housing Administration insures mortgages for low- and moderate-income families that require only a 3 percent down payment.
Congress's response to the present crisis is, not surprisingly, more of the same. The legislation enacted last week adds new subsidies to the old. It creates more tax breaks; most first-time home buyers could receive a $7,500 tax credit. It expands the lending authority of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Previously, the permanent ceiling on their mortgages was $417,000; now it would be as much as $625,500. And the FHA would be authorized to support, at much lower monthly payments, the refinancing of mortgages of an estimated 400,000 homeowners who are in danger of default.
More subsidies may -- or may not -- stabilize the housing market in the short run. But there are long-term hazards. Make no mistake: I'm not anti-housing. I believe that homeownership strengthens neighborhoods and encourages people to maintain their property. It's also true, as economist Mark Zandi shows in his book "Financial Shock," that today's housing collapse had multiple causes: overconfidence about rising home prices, cheap credit, lax lending practices, inept government regulation, speculative fever, sheer fraud.
Still, the government's pro-housing policies contributed in two crucial ways.
First, they raised demand for now suspect "subprime" mortgages. The Department of Housing and Urban Development sets "affordable" housing goals for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to dedicate a given amount of credit to poorer homeowners. One way Fannie and Freddie fulfilled these goals was to buy subprime mortgage securities -- many of which have now gone bad. Second, government's housing bias created a permissive climate for lax lending. Both the Clinton and present Bush administrations bragged about boosting homeownership. Regulators who resisted the agenda risked being "roundly criticized," notes Zandi.
Good intentions led to bad outcomes: an old story. Fannie's and Freddie's losses impelled the Treasury Department to propose a rescue; given the companies' size and the government's implicit backing of their debt, doing otherwise would have risked a financial panic. Personal savings have been skewed toward housing. Many Americans approaching retirement "have accumulated little wealth outside their homes," concludes a study by economists Annamaria Lusardi of Dartmouth College and Olivia S. Mitchell of the University of Pennsylvania. Even some past gains from the pro-housing policies are eroding; the homeownership rate has now dropped to 68 percent.
We might curtail housing subsidies without exposing the economy to the disruption of outright elimination. The mortgage interest deduction could be converted to a less generous credit; Fannie and Freddie's expanded powers could be made temporary; the FHA's minimum down payment could be set at a more sensible 5 percent. But even these modest steps would require recognizing that the homeownership obsession has gone too far. It would require a willingness to confront the huge constituency of homeowners, builders, real estate agents and mortgage bankers. There is no sign of either. When tomorrow's housing crisis occurs, we will probably find its seeds in the "solution" to today's.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Loan Officer Tips - How to Succeed In This Differing Market
All markets are not created equal. Take a look at this article:
From: Politico
July 15, 2008
The housing crisis was not created equally across the country.
In the Rust Belt, long-weak economies and unemployment helped fuel foreclosures in the traditional cause-and-effect relationship. In the other worst-hit spots — such as California, Nevada and Florida — the crisis was helped along by a serious oversupply of housing.
The crisis has hit some areas harder than others. Nevada, California and Arizona lead the nation in the rate of foreclosure filings, according to RealtyTrac. In June, one of every 122 Nevada households received a foreclosure filing — four times the national average and up 85 percent from a year ago.
California, Florida and Ohio recorded the highest total number of foreclosures in June.
Home prices in some areas have managed to stay stable. “There are a handful of markets where the housing market is sort of chugging along,” said Nicholas P. Retsinas, director of Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies. “But for the most part, the home price decline is pretty extensive throughout the country.”
Recovery also will come at different paces. Analysts expect that markets in the Northeast and the South — except in Florida — will recover ahead of the Midwest and could start to stabilize in a year or so. Markets in Las Vegas and Phoenix and throughout California will take the longest to recover.
• The national median single-family home price, as recorded by the National Association of Realtors, fell in nominal terms in 2007 for the first time since record-keeping began in 1968.
• Foreclosure start rates were up over the past year for all types of mortgages in the Mortgage Bankers Association’s latest national delinquency survey. The trade group, however, says that the magnitude of the national increase is being driven by “certain loan types in certain states” — namely subprime mortgages in states such as California and Florida.
• Subprime adjustable rate mortgages represent 6 percent of loans outstanding, but are 39 percent of foreclosures started during the first quarter of 2008.
• Combined, California, Florida, Arizona and Nevada represent 25 percent of total outstanding loans, but 42 percent of foreclosure starts in the first quarter of 2008.
• Analysts at Moody’s Economy.com predict that mortgage defaults will peak at 2.5 million in 2008 and fall to 1.6 million in 2009. They expect 4.5 percent of all outstanding mortgage loans to fall delinquent by the end of 2008 and remain there through mid-2009. That’s up from 3.5 percent of loans in delinquency in 2007 and 2.8 percent in 2006, according to Equifax and Moody’s Economy.com.
First, let me say that what we are seeing today is a result of many factors, but some of the biggest were overaggressive products, LTV's and underwriting guidelines, as well as an overzealous focus on ARM and Option ARM financing. This, mixed with a loss of focus on doing what is best long term for the borrower became major causes. So here are some tips to apply today for success in any market:
- Make Integrity Your Greatest Virtue
- Customer First Mentality
- Focus on Total Benefits
- Stick to Fixed rate Financing
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Loan Officer Tip - Building Value In A Loan
I apologize that I missed last week. There is a lot going on with me right now... vacation with my family and a book deadline! (You can find out more about my upcoming book on mortgagempowered.com) I appreciate your patience in the meantime.
Next week's webinar is about Developing Options and Benefits to Separate Yourself From Competition. In honor of that, I'd like to talk quickly about building value in a loan. When working with a customer, ask yourself this question:
Will the benefits outweigh the costs for the life of the loan?
Many times we provide a loan that helps the borrower today and even provides more benefit than cost in the first year or two, but long-term really hurts the borrower. Some examples would be where the loan:
1. Puts the borrower in much deeper debt than they were before with limited financial wherewithal to get them out, exacerbating the problem, or;
2. Puts the borrower in debt for a longer period of time, eating up any short term savings, or;
3. Creates a situation 2 or 3 years down the road, as is evident with many of the 2/28, 3/27 and Option ARM loans, that they cannot afford.
Although the initial benefits were there, the overall value is not! The focus was only on the short term need with no attention paid to the long term ramifications. As mortgage professionals, our #1 goal should always be to give our borrowers a loan that meets their needs for today and the future... one that is life-changing.