Monday, June 9, 2008

Loan Officer Tip - Prioritize Refinance Leads for Success

Avoiding "Random Selection"

A few weeks ago, I talked about identifying qualified leads in today’s changing market. This week I want to focus on prioritizing those leads to maximize your success. This is a critical tip that will make the difference between success and failure. Understand, there is a priority order to your leads.

For example, if you have 10 leads on your desk, there is one, and only one, lead in the stack that is the highest potential (easiest to sell) – a lead that has so much benefit value to your borrower that it will change their life. By the same token, there is only one lowest potential (impossible to sell) lead in the stack that you could not sell under any circumstances. The eight leads in between also have a priority order from highest to lowest potential.

Your challenge for this week, if you really want to succeed, is to put your leads in order from highest to lowest potential. Start at the top and work your way down!

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